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Monday, October 14, 2019

Week of 10-14-19

Assalamu alikum,

What are we doing this week? Here's a glance;

English-Language Arts
We will be focusing on plot and the sequence of plot events in a fictional novel. In writing, we are beginning our unit or fictional narrative writing. Spelling City has been posted for the week. We have begun writing our Reader Response Letters on Friday. They are each worth 50 summative points. One way to prepare for these letters is to make sure students are reading 20 minutes each night. 

Tiger are wrapping up their unit or addition and subtraction. A major focus this week is multi-step addition and subtraction word problems. Pistons will finish rounding and begin work on addition. Lions will wrap up addition and begin subtraction with regrouping including regrouping across zeroes.

In science, we a learning all about electricity. We will be building simple, series, and parallel circuits, learning about conductors and insulators, and how electrical energy flows throughout a circuit.

Social Studies
We will spend the week focusing on the Bill of Rights. Monday and Tuesday we will take notes. Wednesday and Thursday we will read a short book on the Bill of Rights and create an illustrated brochure on the the Bill of Rights. On Friday, they will have a quiz on the Week 4 newspaper articles. These assessments are open-text meaning students may use the newspapers during the assessment.

As always, a reminder to regularly check Orbund for missing assignments. 

Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sister Patti Picard

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