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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October is here already?!

Assalamu alikum,

Is it October already? Here's a peek at the week ahead.

This week we launched into novel studies. We began by making predictions about the story using the front and back cover. As we get into the beginning chapters, we will focus on how the author develops the characters, the setting and the plot.

We are wrapping up with rounding and have moved into estimating sums and differences. From there it will go into addition and subtraction with large numbers and word problems.

We are continuing to learn about energy transformations and transfers in chain reactions. Students will be building chain reaction machines.

Social Studies
In social studies we are talking about why rules and laws are necessary. They will read a story about Jake and rewrite Jake's story as if people had been following the rules and laws.

Note: Missing Work Reports and Classdojo - Each week I attach missing work reports and Classdojo reports in the student planners. This allows both parents and students to reflect on how they are doing in the areas of academics and classroom behavior. I expect for students to get these signed each week by parents. This serves multiple purposes. 1) It lets me know parents have seen their child's behavior and academic status. 2) They begin a conversation about classroom choices and how they affect the student among parent and child. 3) It shows students that parents and teachers are a united team to help the student succeed.

Jazak Allah Khayr,
Sister Patti Picard

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