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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Week of 1/20/2020

Assalamu alikum, 

ATTENTION!!! Field trip has been postponed. REPEAT!!! There will be no field trip on Wednesday. It will be business as usual.  Now onto business...

HOMEWORK! I don't assign a lot of homework. But I am finding that the homework I am assigning is not being completed. I looked at the last 5 assignments I gave as homework and there was a turn in rate of less than 50%. For one math group on Monday night, no students completed the homework. The science article assigned Friday was turned in by 7 of 22 students. 

I am implementing the 5 assignment detention. When a student reaches 5 missing assignments, they will be issued a detention notice. On the date of the detention the student will stay after school until 4:30pm. Even if the missing work that led to the detention is completed, the detention is still to be served. Students will also conference with me during this time to develop a set of goals and actions to keep missing assignments from stacking up. 

Speaking of missing assignments, progress reports went out last Friday. Students are to have them signed and returned to school. This is a small grade in all classes. If you have lost your child's progress report, please let me or the main office know and we will send home a replacement. If a student's grade is low in a class, there is a very good chance that they are missing multiple assignments in that subject. I am meeting with parents so please contact me to set a meeting. Reminder; I need 24 hours notice to schedule a meeting. 

Here's what we are doing in class this week; 

Students are continuing reading their historical fiction novels. In writing, we are creating our concept maps and outlines for science fair background research. Students will have some research to complete at home later this week. 

Tigers have a test on Tuesday on 2x2 multiplication. Lions have a test on the same topic on Thursday. Any Tigers who did not do well will have a retake on Thursday as well. Pistons have a test on Wednesday on 4x1 multiplication. 

Monday and Tuesday we are doing an investigation on pitch and how it relates to waves and wavelengths and frequencies. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we will return to collecting science fair data. On Friday, students who are missing less than 5 assignments will also be able to participate in coding class. Coding class is quickly becoming a favorite class. Students are learning how to program avatars to follow directions, how to debug a faulty code, creating nest loops, and will soon move into conditionals. 

Social Studies
Students are completing an open book immigration test and summative project comic strip using information in their Week 12 newspaper. We will begin a lesson on hemispheres, continents, and the compass rose. On Friday, students will continue to work on their immigration project. 

Jazak Allah Khayr, 
Sister Patti Picard

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