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Sunday, September 1, 2019

A Glance into the Week: Getting Into Routine

Assalamu alikum,

After spending the first week working on procedures and routines (which we will continue to practice) we are going to move into our schedule for the year and dive into academic work. Here is what you can expect next week.

ELA: We will begin RF and RI standard one which is finding the main idea and supporting details in text. Along with this, we will be assessing student fluency and comprehension levels in order to get reading group established. We completed our spelling assessment during week one so we will begin our spelling and grammar routine. They will receive logins for Spelling City this week as well. 

Math: We are working on the Numbers in Base Ten Unit which focuses on understanding that a unit in one place value is ten times greater than the same unit in the place to the right. Students will work on expressing this relationship several ways. This year, we will be using in centers and for homework to support in class instruction. The usernames and passwords are glued in the student planners.

Science: We are focusing on understanding the beginning steps of the scientific process by making observations and asking questions. We will also dive into the engineering process by asking, "Why is it so hard for scientists to invent new things?"

Social Studies: Our Studies Weekly newspapers have arrived. After we complete our Five Themes and Me project we will begin our first unit which is about the United States Constitution and the structure of the United States Federal Government. This will begin next week. 

Gym: Gym is during the 2nd hour on Thursday. Please make sure students have proper gym uniform and shoes.

Please check the uniform policy. Boys are to wear white polo shirts throughout the week, except for gym days. For the sisters, the abaya is to be plain without any decoration and the hijab as well. One piece, two piece, and square scarves that are plain and the right colors are acceptable. Under pieces and scarf must be the same color. Wrap scarves are not part of the uniform this year.

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